Painted Equator Gallery

  • acts in the name Andrej Smolak Gallery in order to spread the idea of PEG
  • is authorised to manage PEG project in his country
  • is authorised to collect the paintings
  • is obliged to take over the Author Card from the author of the painting
  • may not misuse the project and collected pictures for his own profit
Thuraya Al-Baqsami

(1952, Kuwait), painter. Since 1981 she has academic degree in graphic illustrations of books and design on Surik Art Academy in Moscow. She is a member of Formative Arts Group and Very Special Arts Organization in Washington. In 2001 she received Prize for creative activity from The European Art Union in Prague and The European Franz Kafka Medal in Berlin. She was awarded by the Salvador Dalí World Prize in Bratislava during her own exhibiton in 2003.

Language: arabic, english
Country: Kuwait
Ibrahim Ghazala

(1960, Cairo), painter. He teaches at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Minia University. Mainly he devotes himself to landscape and portrait paintings. He travels abroad within framework of his personal project “Paintings through the Egyptian´s eyes”. Since 2008 he is the Director General of the Luxor International Symposium for painting, which was attended by over two hundred artists. He began to build Luxor international studios, which have to become a residence for artists from around the world.

Language: arabic, english
Phone: +201272860900
Country: Egypt
Zufar Gimajev

(1951, Namangan, Uzbekistan), painter and teacher. Since 1980 he is a member of the Union of Artists of the Russian Federation. And since 2012 he is an honorary member of the International Humanitarian Academy UNESCO. He is winner of many national and international awards and prizes. His paintings are found in many national galleries and museums, and in private collections in many countries. He is President of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Tatarstan. Now he lives and works in Kazan.

Language: tatar, russian, english
Country: Tatarstan
Olga Gomonova

(Born in 1979, Minsk), art historian, journalist and singer. Studied classical violin at the Academy of Music in Minsk, she graduated from the European Humanitarian University, Department of Art History – Theory and Practice of Contemporary Art. She collaborated with art publishers in Belarus, Russia and France. She is a member of the Belarusian Association of Journalists and the Belarusian Union of Fine Artists. She is the author of a book about the creations of the Belarusian painter Leonid Gomonov.

Language: belarussian, russian, english, french, spanish
Phone: +375297777941
Country: Belarus
Fares Hadi

(1982, ALGERIA), painter, member of Algerian artists office, member of National Council of Arts and Letters Algeria, Authors Society in Graphic and Plastic Arts,Paris France, he has participation in numerous exhibitions and festivals in Algeria and abroad. He mix different techniques, he use recycled objects and materials not artistic, to create his original works. His artistic work is experimenting with the fusion of disciplines photography, painting and conceptual contemporary art, for example, he had some exhibitions in France Greece, Italy, India, and Slovakia.

Language: berber, arabic, french, english
Phone: +213551731878
Country: Algeria
Raiľ Chismatullin

(1957, Russian Federation), president and founder of the TENTORIUM Company, author of scientific magazine articles. Raiľ is also general producer of the animated serial Honeybee-graphy and a member of Honey Commission of the International Federation of the Apicultural Societies “Apimondia”, with domicile in Rome. He is initiator of establishing and former president of the World Save Bee Fund (WSBF e. V., Germany), awarder of the Order of Merit for Motherland degree II.

Language: russian, tatar, english
Phone: +79223385151
Country: Russian Federation
Ahmet Erman Karagoz

(1981, Şanlıurfa), artist. He had several exhibitions in Northern Cyprus, in the Cyprus Nicosia, in the Turkey in Ankara, and later in the Çorum town. He had exhibitions, or attended painter´s symposiums and competitions, for example, at the International ART EXPO in India, walls painting (2 x 15 meters) at the Museum in the open air in the North Cyprus Kyrenia, in the states Bosnia and Herzegovina, South Korea, Jordan, Egypt. Repeatedly he won the T.R.N.C. Prize in the painting contest of youth.

Language: turkish, english
Phone: +905338772795
Country: Turkey - Northern Cyprus
Irina Kopeikina

(1962, Latvia), Associate Professor. She studied design at the Art Academy of Latvia. Continued the Latvian University. Irina has participated in many international plein air. Organized several collective and individual exhibitions. Since 2005, operates in the Baltic International Academy in Latvia. Since 2012, she works as the Head of the Department of fine arts of the National Cultural Association, which brings together national minorities.

Language: latvian, english, russian
Phone: +371 20216668
Country: Latvia
Lana Medvecká

(1976, Russian Federation), paintress. Represents a family tradition in its fifth generation, which connected its life with art. Daughter of an academic, professor, doctor of art science P.P. Kozorezenko (Stroganova tradition). Participant of various Russian and international exhibitions and biennale. Art is a method for Medvetskaya through which she is trying to comprehend how are we and the world built.

Language: russian
Phone: +79175884594
Country: Russian Federation
Fatima Al Obaidi

(1974, Kirkuk), painter, member of the Iraqi Artists Association, envoy of the International Centre for the Arts, and honorary member of the Iraqi Association of Visual Artists in the UK. She has participation in numerous exhibitions and festivals at home and abroad, her art works are found in collections of several countries in the world. She is holder of national and international awards. Since 2014 she has the Tibor Bartfay´s Award, for creativity and peace spreading through the arts, as an emissary of the project “PEG”.

Language: arabic, turkish, english
Phone: +9647701231658
Country: Iraq
Yelena Ralina

(1962, Shymkent), she lives and works in her own studio in Astana. She participated in over 100 collective republic and international exhibitions. She took part in several international symposiums, open air events and in a master-class. Her art works are placed in museums and private collections in Kazakhstan and abroad (in Russia, Lithuania, Germany, USA, Poland, Turkey, Sweden, Finland, Czech Republic, Japan and Armenia). Yelena Ralina is head of Children’s World Competition and laureate of several awards.

Language: kazakh, english
Phone: +7 701 312 99 61
Country: Kazakhstan
Elena Semušina

(1967, Russian Federation), advisor to the President of the TENTORIUM Company, economist – analyst. She is director of the TENTORIUM Company´s business project “Agro-franchise in development of the beekeeping.” Elena Semushina is awarded by many honors and thankings of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. Since 2008 she is employed and works in the TENTORIUM Company for production of the api-fit-products.Credo: “Let people shall be tolerant as bees, which do know no borders.”

Language: russian, english
Phone: +79223385151
Country: Russian Federation
Vasile Sitari

(1971, Tabani, Bricenský District, Moldova), college lecturer at the Moldovan Academy of Music, Theatre and Fine Arts. Since 1996 he is a member of AIAP UNESCO in Paris, and since 2007 he is a member of the Union of Moldovan artists. Vasile is participant in numerous national and international exhibitions. His art works are placed in collections of the National Art Museum of Moldova, of the National Art Museum in Kaliningrad and in art collections of several countries in the world.

Language: romanian, russian, english
Country: Moldova
Walther Smeitink

(1963, Doetinchem), painter, designer, art teacher, editor. In 1980 – 1985 he graduated in Nijmegene in art craft, art history and textile creation. After graduation he was teaching on Graphic lycee in Utrecht until 1993. Since 1994 he is a Professional artist, Publisher, art consultant and exhibition curator. He lives and Works in the Netherlands and Czech Republic as well.

Language: dutch, english, german, czech
Phone: +31651215342
Country: Netherlands
Petr Stronskiy

(1959, Ussurijsk), painter, honored artist of the Russian Federation, member of the Moscow union of artists. He studied at Moscow State Academic Art Institute. A talent, perfect art education, high efficiency helped him to become a master of the various genres. He is a laureate of many awards and the author of a bronze statue of angel, which is the monument of the project “Guardian Angel”. Since 2007 he is the president of the International Academy of Culture and Art in Moscow. He had exhibitions in several countries of Europe, Asia and USA.

Language: russian, english
Country: Russian Federation
Khalid Al Tahmazi

(1970, Muharraq), painter. He studied art at the local well-known artists in the Bahraini Society of Arts, of which member he became in the year 1990. His art work creation includes spiritual features of different cultures. In his earlier creation were human figures the main object, later on he concentrated all his energy on combination of figurative and abstract art works. He won several prizes and he has become a premier member of the World Wide Arts Resources. He had some individual exhibitions in Bahrain and in Canada.

Language: arabic, english
Country: Bahrain
Yang Hao Yu (Paul Yang)

(1995, TAIWAN), he is a true life-lover who enjoys sharing positive ideas and understanding between different cultures. He had been the most experienced 18-year-old Couchsurfing member in 2014, opening his home in Taiwan to more than one hundred people from all around the world. In 2015 he presented Taiwan at EARC – East Asian University Christian Conference that is organized once every three years. He is a student of International Business, a speaker and a doer.

Language: chinese, english
Country: Taiwan
Irina Yashina

(1957, Jaroslavľ), pedagogue, TV moderator. She graduated in State Pedagogue Institute in Jaroslavľ. She studied social sciences and English language. After several years of pedagogical practice she became a moderator of State Television and Broadcast Company in Saratov. She worked on different cultural and social projects.

Language: russian
Phone: +7 927 622 70 56
Country: Russian Federation
Marina Yashina

(1985, Yaroslavl), Associate Professor. In 2007 – 2009 she worked as a manager and later a director of the private company Deffa, Saratov. She won National Contest entering the Youth Delegation of the Russia for G8 and G20 Summit 2011 in Paris as a Youth Minister of Economic Development of the Russia. In 2012 she also presented Russia at G20 Youth Summint in Mexico and G8 Youth Summit in Washington DC. From 2013 she is founding curator of Global Shapers Hub, Saratov.

Language: russian, english
Phone: +7 903 381 12 75
Country: Russian Federation

(1969, Liptovský Mikuláš), andragóg, Bratislava. Málokto sa s takou odovzdanosťou venuje poznávaniu ľudskej duše ako autorka. Svedčí o tom jej odborná príprava na Filozofickej fakulte UPJŠ v Prešove, kde vyštudovala Kulturológiu a Sociálnu prácu na katedre Andragogiky. Venovala sa arteterapii (s duševne chorými), pracovala v oblasti vzdelávania dospelých a v PR. Neskôr absolvovala školu Geomantie, Business a Life coaching, ako aj umelecké techniky u viacerých maliarov. Sama hovorí: “Dodnes sa vo mne spájajú dve paralely. Láska k človeku a láska k umeniu”. V roku 2018 - autorská výstava Vône Liptova (Galéria Thermal hotel Bešeňová). V decembri 2020 - Výstava kolekcie moderných obrazov (Grandhotel Jasná). Rok 2021 - autorská výstava Tvorivé paralely (Galéria Encián, Skalnaté Pleso).

Language: Slovak, English
Phone: +421903207457
Country: Slovak Republic

(1977, Osimky – Samara), painter. She graduated from visual arts on Udmurt State University in Izevsk and teaches on children's art school in Novy Urengoj. She uses watercolour technique for painting landscapes, still lives and portraits. She uses batik technique for landscapes and animality. In applied arts she uses folding, knitting and she makes fabric dolls. She regurarly attends exhibitions of modern art Art-Jamal in Salechard. In 2017 she took part in 24th International Fine Art Festival of Andrej Smolak Gallery in Snina in Slovak Republic. She was named the ambassador of the Painted Equator Gallery by Andrej Smolák in 2021.

Language: Russian
Phone: +79320951057
Country: Russian Federation

(1995, Slovak republic) doctor of pharmacy, doping commissioner and towerrunner. She studied pharmacy at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Comenius University in Bratislava, where she subsequently continued her doctoral studies in the field of pharmaceutical chemistry. She competes in towerrunning. She is a 5-time champion of Slovakia and in the past she run upstairs the most famous buildings in the world, such as the Eiffel Tower, the Empire State Building or the Shanghai Tower. In 2022, she took the 5th place in the race for the Empire State Building. Kamila works for the Anti-Doping Agency of the Slovak Republic as a doping commissioner and an education expert in the prevention of doping in sports.

Phone: +421 902 587 389
Country: Slovakia

Armine Tumanyan was born and raised in Yerevan, the capital of Armenia. From an early age, she actively traveled to far and near abroad. She started studying fine arts at the age of 32, and as a second higher education, she graduated from the art faculty of the State Pedagogical Institute in Armenia and took a master's degree at the Academy of Arts in the field of fashion design. He has been painting for the past seven years. She is the author and curator of the project at the Zvartnots International Airport in Armenia. She has been managing the ArtAm gallery for 4 years. In 2019, she founded the International Art Festival "Tavush through the eyes of the world" with the participation of artists from 20 countries. She is the president of the Union of Artists of Tavush province. Since 2012, she has exhibited her works in Canada, Taiwan, Israel, Japan, Ukraine, Lithuania, Serbia, Moldova and South Korea.

Language: Armenian
Country: Armenia

Zsuzsa Mezei lives and works in Miskolc, Hungary. After university studies of drawing and biology in Nyíregyház and in 1988 she received a diploma also at the University of Fine Arts in Budapest in the field of art teacher. She was teaching and worked as the author at the same time. She has been a member of the Association of Zemplín Art Teachers since 1989. She is devoted to landscape painting and still life, recently her work is dominated by more unreal expressions leading towards abstract depiction of emotions and visualized visions in harmonious color compositions. She participated in several creative stays and she exhibits at home and abroad. She is an activist of the library, an organizer of exhibitions and a participant in various projects which she connects with her art and pedagogical mission. She admits that thanks to these activities her canvas and personal life have become more colorful.

Language: Hungarian, English
Phone: +36 208 243 990
Country: Hungary
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